Dave Lapierre and Yvette Raciot were the first Junior Directors instituted. In addition to regular ski shows, several younger members entered the Mass. Open Water Ski tournament at Lake Lashaway.
Jim Barker finished 5th in Boy’s Slalom and Howie Tryba 3rd in Boy’s Jumping.
On July 20th, 1958 the club hosted its first tournament – The Bay State Open at Memorial Beach with an estimated 5,000 spectators. Irv Piehler placed 2nd in Boy’s Jumping.
Dick Seraphin, Irv Piehler, Howie Tryba, Jim Barker, Dave Lapierre, Paul Vajcovec, Jim Kindler, and alan Roy slalom skied the 21 miles from Norwalk, Connecticut to Easton Neck, Long Island to win membership in the “Long Island and Back Club”.
At the Burch Island annual show, Alan Roy was the first member to perform the amazing stunt of water-skiing barefoot The annual banquet was held at the Colonial Club with Laval Leboeuf receiving Honorary Life Membership.
President: Roger Lavoie
Vice President: Gerry Dion
Secretary: Gretchen Hoenig
Treasurer: Andy Hoenig
Total Membership: 51
Dues: $7, $10 for new members